Age: 16-24 25-30 30-40 40-60 61+
Gender: Male Female
Genre of Music: Rock R'n'B Pop Heavy Metal Country Hip-Hop
Dance Indie Reggae Rock 'n' Roll Jazz
Favourite Artist: --------------------------
Why: -----------------------------------------------
Do you access music videos on TV? Yes No
Favourite Music Channel: Kiss MTV TMF The Box Smash Hits Q Kerrang! 4Music
Why?: ____________________________
How else do you listen to music? Online iPod Stereo/CD Phone
Do you buy music magazines: Yes No
If so, which one? ___________________
Favourite Song? ______________________
Why? _____________________________
Favourite Video? ______________________
Why? _____________________________
Do you like watching music videos?: Yes No
What do you like to see in a video?