Let U Go (4 minutes)
Acoustic intro (20 seconds)
See band members one at a time and then as a group
Name of band and title
Verse 1 (30 seconds)
I’m so confused
Walking down the street seeing individual singing
I don’t know why I let you treat me like you do
We’ve got issues
Flashback to couple arguing
I let you walk in and out of my life, and that’s not right
Walking down the street seeing individual singing
So much hurt, so much pain, I never thought I could feel like this
Looking at photo of couple on her phone
But I do
Being in a relationship with you is like a roller coaster
Walking down the street seeing individual singing
Chorus (35 seconds)
Let the rain fall down on me
Band members singing together
I let you get away with everything
Flashback of singer seeing boyfriend holding a girls hand
I let you slide, my tears I hide
Band members walk away
To cover up my station made
Let the rain fall down on me
Band members singing
I let you get away with everything
Flashback of singer seeing boyfriend hugging a girl
I let you slide, my tears I hide
Close up of each band member’s face
To cover up my station made
Fade out of band standing together
Verse 2 (30 seconds)
No more sleepless nights
Walking out of the bedroom singing
Up waiting for you to unlock the door and come inside
I’ve got to get a hold of myself, ‘cos I have too much pride
Walking down the stairs singing
For you to think that you can do the things you do
Individual sitting at the bottom of the stairs singing
I know that you don’t love me like you say you do
Flashback to couple sitting at the bottom of the stairs cuddling
I have to tell myself to just let go of you
Individual sitting at the bottom of the stairs singing
"I’m sorry"
Boy apologises to girl
"Apology not accepted"
Girl walks away
Chorus (35 seconds)
Let the rain fall down on me
Band members singing together
I let you get away with everything
Flashback of Singer sees boyfriend in car with another girl
I let you slide, my tears I hide
Boyfriend and band member asleep in bed while girl is crying
To cover up my station made
Band members singing together
Let the rain fall down on me
Band together
I let you get away with everything
Close up of band member
I let you slide, my tears I hide
Close up of band member
To cover up my station made
Close up of band member
Verse 3 (1 minute)
Everything you did baby, I let you slide
Individual singing to her boyfriend
Everything you did baby, I let you slide
Individual singing to her boyfriend
Close up of individual band member’s face
I, I gotta let you go (repeated in the background until the end)
Never said anything to hurt you
Band singing together
Close up of each band member’s face singing
"I’m Sorry"
See a text from the boyfriend saying "I’m sorry"
"I’m Sorry"
Band members slam door on boyfriends’ faces